Holding All the Information: How to Become a Good CIO

With technology ramping up at exponential rates these days, many companies are looking for leaders who understand information and data. This opens opportunities for talented workers in the tech and business industries to aim for the top spots. Here are some tips for how to improve your job performance and become a CIO in a successful company.

Understand Your Colleagues: Empathy

A good leader knows and understands their people, so it should come as no surprise that a good CIO must practice empathy on a daily basis. Being empathetic enough to imagine the troubles and thought processes of your employees will help you build a rapport with them, and a good rapport leads to a progressive leadership style. When you can lead your employees forward, your team will be much stronger.

Know When to Make Decisions: Assertiveness

While it is important to understand your employees, a good leader must also make decisions and enforce those decisions. Doing this with empathy may be called assertiveness, and a good CIO will know how to assert themselves to produce positive results. Leading and persuading others requires confidence, so a good balance of empathy and assertiveness goes a long way.

Improve Yourself and Improve Others: Self-awareness

Self-evaluation is critical to a team’s success, so good leaders will be able to evaluate themselves and point out their flaws and mistakes. This is helpful when it comes to improving one’s own performance and inspiring your employees to do the same. If you can look at yourself and say, “I can do better,” employees won’t feel attacked when you offer them constructive criticism as well. Change, in other words, starts with yourself.

Experiment to See How Things Work: Flexibility

Stagnant workplaces inhibit workflow, and this is why it is important to switch things up and try new things every now and then. A good CIO is capable of rolling with the punches every now and then to see if a new method works well, and once a new thing is proven or abandoned, they can resume their day-to-day tasks. This is the essence of a flexible leader.

Figuring Things Out: Insight

As stated above, a stagnant workplace is not good for creativity. Looking into things and figuring out how they work is a demonstration of an insightful leader, and a good CIO will get to the heart of people and processes to improve team morale. An insightful CIO is what you should strive to be so you are successful.

Knowing When to Slide and When to Fight: Common Sense

It is good to follow rules that make sense, but sometimes you have to stand up and resist the rules that come out of left field or throw the workflow off. A good leader knows when to keep moving and when to stand their ground, and it will be up to you to demonstrate the keen sense necessary to disregard unfavorable rules.

If you follow these guidelines and work on these traits within yourself, you will develop the qualities necessary to be a great CIO.

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Joshua Crawford | Managing Director | PROPRIUS

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