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Recruit for the Future to Engineer a Better Company

The rapid development of artificial intelligence heralds a new age, not just for technology firms but for business in general. Smarter and more capable machines can streamline the ways that companies do business, and your company can embrace the age of AI by using smart machines to enhance your recruitment processes. Here is a general overview of how a revamped recruitment process goes.

Know the Position and Who Your Company Needs

Before any sort of data tinkering can begin, it is important to put into words just the sort of person your company is hoping to hire for the position. A thorough job description will go a long way toward easing the minds of management, the relevant teams, and the data engineers who will use the job description to write helpful AI programs. The more relevant information you can put forward about the position, the more accurate the machines’ methods will be. Knowing who and what you require will also help you and your recruitment managers narrow down the candidate search along the way.

Fine Tune the Technology to Assist in Your Search

All the information you put together about the job and the types of candidates you most desire will not go to waste, as it will be used to fine-tune automatic resume parsers and smart search programs. Any job candidates posting their resumes online and/or applying through your company’s website may be checked using technology bolstered by the latest AI, and these processes significantly cut down the time you would normally use to narrow down prospects yourself. With machines streamlining the initial run of searches, anywhere from dozens to thousands of candidates may be removed from your list of potential hires, making your recruitment process move more quickly and smoothly.

Use All the Tools and Resources at Your Disposal

Technology has enabled companies to expand their virtual reach well beyond the walls of office buildings, and you must use every platform and tool available to you. Gone are the days of posting ads in newspapers; now your company may utilize social media, online job boards, and professional recruitment agencies to more efficiently search for job candidates and focus on the top talent you desire. PROPRIUS is one such company that specializes in targeted staffing and using them and the other outlets available through technology, your company can quickly and confidently fill any position you require.

Set Your Sights on the Best and Hire Them

With smart machines and capable recruitment agencies doing the legwork, narrowing your search for the best candidates is easier than ever. Once your company has figured out who the most talented candidates are, it is up to you to interview them and gauge their potential at your company. Every company has a unique culture, and even the most talented candidates may not fit a certain workspace. Face-to-face interviews allow your recruiting team to measure the overall potential of the best candidates, and through these talks, your company will find the best and best-suited hires for the position.

Visit www.PROPRIUS.com for more information on how to improve your team and career. PROPRIUS is an Artificial Intelligence Industry recruiting firm dedicated to projecting organizations to the next level.

If you are ready to accelerate your team, then schedule a 10-minute discovery call at www.PROPRIUS.as.me/Discovery. We have a dedicated search process designed to locate, connect with, and deliver the most talented candidates.

If you are looking to propel your career, then schedule a 30-minute intake call at www.PROPRIUS.as.me/Intake. We identify the top Engineers in the Artificial Intelligence Industry that generate results, create opportunity and inspire others to perform their best work.

Joshua Crawford | Managing Director | PROPRIUS

Hiring the Best AI Industry Engineers: Steps 7-10

By now, your company has separated those that excel and even managed to speak with a selection of the top candidates who have applied to join your team. You now know each candidate better than before, and you should have a good idea of which people would best fit into your company. Now all you have to do is pick the top three and proceed from here. Read on to learn how to complete the recruiting process and turn the best job candidate into your best new hire.

Step Seven: A Second Interview Puts Everything on the Table

During the first round of interviews, chances are high that only your HR/recruiting manager or your team’s dedicated interviewer spoke with each candidate. For the second round of interviews, you’ll want to select the best candidates – two to three is ideal – and include them in more of a roundtable discussion with one or more of your colleagues. Ideally, pick co-workers who work in the same position or on the same team as the vacant position; your colleagues will have a great sense of whether or not these candidates are up to the task, and they may ask questions that you or your HR/recruiting manager didn’t think to ask the first time.

The Eighth Step: Refer to the References

References can be a double-edged sword. On one hand, you want to know what each candidate was like at their previous job, but on the other hand, it is very unlikely a candidate will refer prospective employers to a person who might speak frankly about them. This is where clever questions come in handy. When you work with PROPRIUS, we will handle this process for you. The more open-ended questions, the better; vague questions may prompt references to speak openly and honestly about the job candidate. You may want to describe your company’s vacant position and ask whether or not the candidate would do well in it. You might also ask to speak to another former colleague of the candidate, and if possible, leave your contact information so the reference is able to follow up with any pertinent information.

Step Nine: Offer the Job to the Top Candidate

This step may sound simple, but it requires a bit of homework on your part. Have the details regarding pay, benefits, scheduling, start date, and career advancement well fleshed out, and be ready to provide them when the candidate asks about them. When you work with PROPRIUS, we recommend that you allow us to present the offer. At the time of an offer, which is an emotional moment of truth for any professional, hidden objections often surface. Candidates are more likely to relay those objections or desires to a recruiting firm rather than to a potential employer. PROPRIUS will relay that feedback to you. This enables you to construct an offer that will be accepted.

The Final Step: Begin the Onboarding Process

Of course, once you have hired the best candidate, a new process begins. Be sure you make the transition into the new work environment as smooth as possible so they are not overwhelmed and discouraged. Select and clear out a viable workspace for them, get all the equipment and tools they’ll need ready to go, and have insurance and tax forms prepared so they can fill them out as soon as possible. Finally, take your new employee on a tour of the workspace at large so they feel comfortable and welcome. When you partner with PROPRIUS, we will provide you a detailed onboarding process and checklist. A good introduction will set the stage for the foreseeable future, and your company will have a fantastic new Team Member producing great work in no time if you follow these steps.

Visit www.PROPRIUS.com for more information on how to improve your team and career. PROPRIUS is an Artificial Intelligence Industry recruiting firm dedicated to projecting organizations to the next level.

If you are ready to accelerate your team, then schedule a 10-minute discovery call at www.PROPRIUS.as.me/Discovery. We have a dedicated search process designed to locate, connect with, and deliver the most talented candidates.

If you are looking to propel your career, then schedule a 30-minute intake call at www.PROPRIUS.as.me/Intake. We identify the top Engineers in the Artificial Intelligence Industry that generate results, create opportunity and inspire others to perform their best work.

Joshua Crawford | Managing Director | PROPRIUS

Hiring the Best AI Industry Engineers: Steps 4-6

Your company has figured out exactly what sort of person you would like to fill the vacant position on your team, and you know which methods you want to use to find this person. Using advanced machine learning techniques to sift through resumes faster than before, you have very likely cut back on the time necessary to find better people drastically. This means you are ready to move onto the next phase of the recruitment process – the closer phase through which you get to know each candidate better. Read on to learn how to handle this delicate and crucial process.

Four Steps Ahead: Social Media Helps You Get Social

An easy way to ease candidates into the process of getting to know you and share a bit of themselves is to utilize well-known social media sites to start your conversations with each candidate. The social setting, even when it is in a virtual space, may help candidates relax and reveal their more authentic selves to your company’s recruiting team. This is crucial because you will want to know each candidate as best as you can to gauge whether or not they will fit with your company and its unique culture. Ask about each candidate’s work history, education, and experience, then see if their answers mesh with your written requirements for the position. If they do, it may be time to move the process along to the next step.

The Fifth Step: Telephone Screening

After the preliminary social media screening, it is time to move to a tailor-made phone interview for each candidate. Even with applicant tracking systems and Boolean searches sifting through resumes and your team speaking with candidates online, there can be confusing aspects to a candidate’s resume and/or work history. The phone interview is a great way to clear up any confusion and clarify the details you’ve gleaned through reading resumes and reaching out on social media. Speaking on the phone also gives candidates the chance to ask your team any questions they may have about the job, so everyone should end this phone conversation feeling confident about what they’ve learned and where they stand as far as the hiring process goes.

Step Six: Bring Everything Out for a Face-to-Face Interview

Even after reading a resume from top to bottom and picking out as many details as you can, it can be difficult to get a full picture of a candidate. That’s where the social media and phone conversations come in, but even these steps can’t fully flesh out a candidate. For this, you must meet the top candidates face to face. When you sit down to prepare for this interview, make sure to pinpoint each candidate’s strengths and weaknesses and craft questions to discuss them. PROPRIUS offers free interview training for its clients and will help you customize your interview process. This is important because this interview will allow you to gauge a candidate’s overall performance and determine whether their work-related achievements are enough to merit the coveted spot within your company.

After participating in these conversations, you’ll have a much better idea of what each candidate is like and whether or not they will be a great fit for your company. The final stages of the recruiting process, Hiring the Best AI Industry Engineers: Steps 7-10, are just ahead, and they will bring you even closer to hiring the best possible candidate for the position.

Visit www.PROPRIUS.com for more information on how to improve your team and career. PROPRIUS is an Artificial Intelligence Industry recruiting firm dedicated to projecting organizations to the next level.

If you are ready to accelerate your team, then schedule a 10-minute discovery call at www.PROPRIUS.as.me/Discovery. We have a dedicated search process designed to locate, connect with, and deliver the most talented candidates.

If you are looking to propel your career, then schedule a 30-minute intake call at www.PROPRIUS.as.me/Intake. We identify the top Engineers in the Artificial Intelligence Industry that generate results, create opportunity and inspire others to perform their best work.

Joshua Crawford | Managing Director | PROPRIUS

Hiring the Best AI Industry Engineers: The Beginning Stages

When your company is looking to fill a needed position with the best possible candidate, there is a recommended set of steps to follow – a procedure that will assist your HR/recruiting manager and their team in finding the individual who is best suited for the position and your company’s unique culture. To better illustrate this hiring procedure, here is an in-depth look at the initial steps in hiring the best possible AI Industry Engineers for your next job opening.

Beginning the Process: Flesh Out Your Company’s Needs

Before you start looking for the right candidate, you must know who you are looking for. In terms of finding a talented worker to fill a position, this means describing the open position in as much detail as you can. The better you can visualize and conceptualize your company’s missing piece, the better you will understand the type of candidates you’ll be looking for. Also, the richer and more detailed your description, the more helpful it will be to potential hires who are seeking employment. You want to find the best fit for your company, so using an accurate and detailed job description will help you find candidates who are more likely to really want the job and move forward with the hiring process.

Always a Second Step: Think Through Your Plan of Action

Once your company’s recruiting team has finalized the job description, you may begin to think of which tactics you would like to use to reach potential candidates. Depending on the type of position you are hoping to hire for, you may use markedly different venues for your search. Entry-level positions may be easily filled through campus job boards and/or ads, while more advanced positions may require targeted searches through agencies. A talented recruitment agency such as PROPRIUS is capable of casting a wide net to find many potential hires or narrowing the search to focus on exactly what your company requires. Sometimes, getting referrals from colleagues and employees in the same field can yield fantastic results. All of these methods are viable ways to find potential hires, and it is important that your company determines which routes to take. It may even be advisable to try all of them.

Step Three: Technology Can Narrow a Search

In the preliminary search stages, when your company is just collecting resumes to peruse before pursuing further meetings, applicant tracking systems and Boolean searches can be an invaluable resource. Running huge numbers of resumes through automated filters can help you narrow the search quickly and efficiently so you can get to the face-to-face portions of recruitment as soon as possible. This is where understanding your company’s needs comes in handy; it will be easier to pick the best resumes and program a model/filter that chooses the best resumes when you know what to focus on. 

These preliminary steps will help your company move closer to finding the best potential hires for its needs. Soon you will be able to match voices to statements and faces to names; the next stages of the recruitment process, Hiring the Best AI Industry Engineers: Steps 4-6, are a bit more involved.

Visit www.PROPRIUS.com for more information on how to improve your team and career. PROPRIUS is an Artificial Intelligence Industry recruiting firm dedicated to projecting organizations to the next level.

If you are ready to accelerate your team, then schedule a 10-minute discovery call at www.PROPRIUS.as.me/Discovery. We have a dedicated search process designed to locate, connect with, and deliver the most talented candidates.

If you are looking to propel your career, then schedule a 30-minute intake call at www.PROPRIUS.as.me/Intake. We identify the top Engineers in the Artificial Intelligence Industry that generate results, create opportunity and inspire others to perform their best work.

Joshua Crawford | Managing Director | PROPRIUS

AI Industry Job Search: Steps 10-14

All of the groundwork has been done, and you’ve strengthened your foundations by finding strong references. You are working with an AI Industry recruiter, your resume is up-to-date, and your social media is all clean and professional. The only tasks left to complete are the actual application process, the face-to-face interview, and the process of accepting a job offer. Read on to learn how to complete your job search successfully. 

Step Ten: Apply for Jobs You Want

With all the brainstorming you’ve done already, the application process should be a simple matter of putting information in the best places. Remember your skills, and don’t be afraid to list them; this is your first chance to impress employers. Some employers ask for cover letters as well. This is where you explain why you want the job, how your experience suits the job, and why you would be an asset to the company. Use a black, easy-to-read font and be as straightforward as possible; write a good cover letter, and you’ll shine.

Step Eleven: Get Ready for Interviews

When one of your applications lands well, odds are good that you’ll be called for an interview. The application was the employer’s first glimpse into your skills, and the interview is where they really dig deep. Dress well and professionally and be prepared to go into detail about your work history and relevant experience. Speak with confidence and keep things positive; a great attitude and confidence in your skills will get you far, check out the free interview training offered by PROPRIUS.

Step Twelve: Be Ready for Skills Tests

Sometimes employers want to test your skills, so they bring tests along or have you take tests at their location. Depending on the AI job, these may be writing tests, coding tests, or customer service tests; they will most likely be testing your relevant skills, so brush up and make sure you’re ready to excel in your field. Show employers why you’d be great at the job you want.

Step Thirteen: Show Your Continued Interest by Following Up

After an interview, applicants are usually told to wait for further contact. While it might be polite to wait on their word, it is also good to follow up with employers. Let them know that you appreciated the opportunity to meet with them and that you would like to hear from them soon. Following up with employers demonstrates your interest in the job, and since this is the job you want, you’ll do everything you can to show your interest in it.

The Final Step: Negotiating a Job Offer

Do all the aforementioned steps well, and you’ll reach the endpoint: the job offer. Instead of accepting immediately out of sheer joy, step back and take some time to consider the offer. Never hesitate to contact PROPRIUS for an offer review, we will happily help you navigate your new offer. Read it thoroughly and make sure it is fair to you and includes everything you want in your dream job. If it doesn’t, don’t be afraid to negotiate – the company wants you and your skills, so feel confident asking for what you want. 

If you’ve made it this far and you’re happy with the job offer, congratulations! You’ve earned the job you want, and you deserve it.

Visit www.PROPRIUS.com for more information on how to improve your team and career. PROPRIUS is an Artificial Intelligence Industry recruiting firm dedicated to projecting organizations to the next level.

If you are ready to accelerate your team, then schedule a 10-minute discovery call at www.PROPRIUS.as.me/Discovery. We have a dedicated search process designed to locate, connect with, and deliver the most talented candidates.

If you are looking to propel your career, then schedule a 30-minute intake call at www.PROPRIUS.as.me/Intake. We identify the top Engineers in the Artificial Intelligence Industry that generate results, create opportunity and inspire others to perform their best work.

Joshua Crawford | Managing Director | PROPRIUS

AI Industry Job Search: Steps 5-9

You’ve done some preliminary preparations for the job search and set your sights on a few good opportunities. Before you reach out and apply to jobs, however, you’ll want to hop online and tidy up a few things. Read on to learn how to maintain an active and professional presence online, then use every resource you can to find each and every opportunity.

Step Five: Partner with a Specialty Recruiting Firm

If you are seeking a new career opportunity in the AI Industry, consider using a recruiter who works in that industry. It is important that you interview a recruiter and ensure they are working in your best interest and truly understand your desires. Ask how long the recruiter has worked with the firm and if they have established relationships with the company you are interested in working for. It is also important to ask how they will market you and present you to potential career opportunities. PROPRIUS is an exclusive AI Industry recruiter that works with organizations in the top 15 Tech cities in the US. PROPRIUS will put you at the heart of a great recruiting experience. Whether you decide with work with PROPRIUS or not, make sure you continue your own career search and do not stop networking. Make sure you leverage your recruiter, even if they do not work with the company you are interested in; let them know your career goals and many times they can take you out of a stack of resumes and make sure you are seen by decision makers. 

Step Six: Create and Make Your Social Media Profiles Pristine

While you undoubtedly have some kind of social media presence already, there are also social media platforms that are specifically for job hunting, such as LinkedIn. This is the most prominent job search and networking site, so you would do well to create a profile there if you haven’t already. To learn how to make a great LinkedIn profile or update your profile for maximum performance, check out the free LinkedIn training offered by PROPRIUS.

It is one thing to go online and say whatever pops into your head and another thing entirely to keep your online presence professional. Check the websites you use to network, and make sure they won’t make an employer sidestep you entirely. Your profiles don’t need to be tied completely to work, but they do need to be work-appropriate; clean them up, and rest easy. 

Step Seven: Use Real-Life Resources to Network

Now that your online presence is up, running, and professional, you can turn your attention to the real world. There is a good chance you already know people who work in the industries you’re interested in. Now is the time to reach out to the people with connections and let them know you’re interested in a new job. They may be able to help you, and any step toward the job you want is a step forward.

Step Eight: Clean Your Professional Flag and Wave it Proudly

Your online presence is one way to present yourself, and the other way is with your resume and cover letter. The latter two are professional necessities, so it is time to go over yours and include all the relevant accomplishments you’ve made. List all the skills you brainstormed earlier and tout your career achievements – these documents are the ones that will get your foot in the door at the job you want, so make them count.

Step Nine: Handpick the Best References You Have

Every job application asks for references, and they are crucial to the success of your job search. Any coworkers or managers, former or current, may be good references, and the choice of who to pick is up to you; naturally, associates who may speak well of your work ethic are the best choices. Put the best references you can on your application, and feel confident when you turn it in. 

Now that the background work is all done, it is time to move to the foreground with actual applications and face-to-face interviews. With your recruiter, skills, work history, social media, and references all in a row, you’re well on your way to finding the job you want and to complete the final phase; Find the AI Job You Want: Step 10-14.

Visit www.PROPRIUS.com for more information on how to improve your team and career. PROPRIUS is an Artificial Intelligence Industry recruiting firm dedicated to projecting organizations to the next level.

If you are ready to accelerate your team, then schedule a 10-minute discovery call at www.PROPRIUS.as.me/Discovery. We have a dedicated search process designed to locate, connect with, and deliver the most talented candidates.

If you are looking to propel your career, then schedule a 30-minute intake call at www.PROPRIUS.as.me/Intake. We identify the top Engineers in the Artificial Intelligence Industry that generate results, create opportunity and inspire others to perform their best work.

Joshua Crawford | Managing Director | PROPRIUS

PROPRIUS Focusing on all things Engineering in the Artificial Intelligence Industry. We deliver performance.


Ready to accelerate your team? There are no short cuts. We have a dedicated search process designed to locate, connect with, and deliver the most talented candidates.