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Find Great Machine Learning Engineers and Keep Them Around

Find Great Machine Learning Engineers and Keep Them Around

Although machine learning and artificial intelligence are among the fastest-growing technological fields on the market today, it is still difficult for many companies to find and retain great machine learning engineers. The good news is that there are some viable solutions. It may help to have pockets nearly as deep as Amazon and Google, but such extravagant dollar amounts are not necessary to keep the best machine learning engineers on your team. Here are a handful of tips that will help your company find and retain talented machine learning engineers.

Use Flexible Recruitment Strategies For Different Engineering Roles

Not all engineers have the same level of experience, and this means that your company must be prepared for different recruitment strategies that are contingent upon the potential hire’s experience level. For example, colleges and hackathons are great venues when you want to scout for new talent that will fill junior-level roles nicely. These fledgling engineers may be guided toward senior-level positions with time and experience, and their knowledge of newer processes will keep your company on the razor edge of tech. As for higher-level roles, qualified academics are some of the best advanced engineers in the world, and a doctorate will go a long way toward qualifying an engineer for senior-level work.

Find What You Want in a Machine Learning Engineer

To discover and hire the best machine learning engineers, your recruiters need to know what traits and characteristics to look for in potential hires. A solid foundation in math and statistics is a great start for a machine learning engineer, but a good education isn’t the only guarantor of success in the tech field. Much of machine learning involves understanding and parsing data in real time, so a candidate who is curious, creative, and skilled at abstract problem solving is best suited to the job. These characteristics may be difficult to identify at first, so your recruiters will have to dig deep to ascertain each candidate’s aptitude in these areas.

Know When to Let Experts Find Talent For You

Sometimes, your company will need machine learning engineers to flesh out a new team quickly, and this may spur you to speed up the hiring process. If this becomes the case, it may be best to hire expert recruiters to find talented machine learning engineers for you. This method may sound quick and easy, but that is the point; sometimes, expedience demands taking the most direct route to putting a good team together.

Be The Company That Attracts Engineers To You

The high demand for machine learning engineers makes it relatively easy for engineers with knowledge of AI to leave companies and find a new job quickly. For your company to provide the best place for talented machine learning engineers, you need to learn what it takes to attract wayward engineers and entice them to stay on your team. Intellectual stimulation, meaningful work, and a creative culture are just a few attractive qualities that your company should embrace. With these high-concept characteristics ingrained in your company’s culture, the best machine learning engineers will value your brand and stick with it to produce great work in the field of AI.

Visit www.PROPRIUS.com for more information on how to improve your team and career. PROPRIUS is an Artificial Intelligence Industry recruiting firm dedicated to projecting organizations to the next level.

If you are ready to accelerate your team, then schedule a 10-minute discovery call at https://PROPRIUS.as.me/Discovery. We have a dedicated search process designed to locate, connect with, and deliver the most talented candidates.

If you are looking to propel your career, then schedule a 30-minute intake call at https://PROPRIUS.as.me/Intake. We identify the top Engineers in the Artificial Intelligence Industry that generate results, create opportunity and inspire others to perform their best work.

Joshua Crawford | Managing Director | PROPRIUS

Hold All the Information: Making Your Company’s CIO Even Better

Hold All the Information: Making Your Company’s CIO Even Better

When grappling with the relentless reams of data saturating our modern world, your company could use a great CIO. With the potential to lead and inspire your employees to become efficient, happy data masters, your CIO is incredibly important. Here are some useful tips that should help your company’s CIO improve their performance and become even more adept at leading and improving the people who work with you.

Facilitate Understanding and Connection: Empathy

The best leaders not only understand their rivals and the forces they are up against; they also understand the people they are leading into any endeavor. For your company’s CIO, this means understanding their employees; a strong, empathetic side will help your CIO forge strong bonds with their employees, enabling them to guide workers on the path to improvement with grace and panache.

Make Decisions at the Best Moments: Assertiveness

Having the grace to listen and bond with others is important, and so is having the confidence to give orders and lead others forward, especially in the work environment. These assertive qualities are necessary for improving your company’s CIO, as they will need to be able to stand up and tell their employees what to do so projects go forward smoothly. Leading work forward without alienating workers is possible, and your CIO will want to learn this valuable skill.

Know Others and Their Reasons for Being: Insight

To better motivate workers, it is important for a leader to learn and understand the workers’ reasons for doing the work they are doing. This close level of understanding requires insight, and your company’s CIO will want to work on relating to their colleagues. When work connections are strong, employees feel comfortable and confident, and high morale will increase productivity.

Leading the Charge for Improvement by Example: Self-knowledge

Knowing oneself can lead to self-reflection and self-improvement, and these are activities your CIO will want to participate in. If a leader is capable of spotting their own flaws, they may improve themselves, and this will cause workers to respond well to constructive criticism and thereby improve their performance.

Moving with and Through Changes: Adaptability

Work in the tech field is, by its nature, subject to changes, and some of them are very fast. An adaptable leader will be able to gauge these inevitable changes quickly and adjust their plans accordingly. If your company’s CIO is adaptable, they will handle any changes with competence and successfully lead their employees through altered work environments.

Walking a Fine Line: Independence

Great leaders demonstrate confidence in themselves, but they should not rely on themselves alone. On the other hand, a leader should not delegate all the work to other people, so a balance is necessary. For your company’s CIO to be the best they can possibly be, they will need to learn the value of collaboration while recognizing that it is necessary to think for themselves at the same time. It is possible to believe in a team effort and believe in oneself, and your CIO will be better for mastering this art.

Visit www.PROPRIUS.com for more information on how to improve your team and career. PROPRIUS is an Artificial Intelligence Industry recruiting firm dedicated to projecting organizations to the next level.

If you are ready to accelerate your team, then schedule a 10-minute discovery call at https://PROPRIUS.as.me/Discovery. We have a dedicated search process designed to locate, connect with, and deliver the most talented candidates.

If you are looking to propel your career, then schedule a 30-minute intake call at https://PROPRIUS.as.me/Intake. We identify the top Engineers in the Artificial Intelligence Industry that generate results, create opportunity and inspire others to perform their best work.

Joshua Crawford | Managing Director | PROPRIUS

Informative Improvements: How Data Can Make Your Company Better

Informative Improvements: How Data Can Make Your Company Better

As data gets exponentially larger and more prevalent, its applications also grow. Lately, companies have been using data to improve the ways they do business, and this data-driven work world can benefit your company as well. We know how data science may be used to improve several aspects of your company, so here’s some advice for using data science to your advantage.

Know Your Trends and Use Them: Business Planning

Using data science, it is possible to review your company’s performance metrics and draw justifiable conclusions from them. This becomes much easier if you format all of your information so it fits into a spreadsheet or a dashboard, so find the best data scientists and engineers you can to wrangle all your company’s data into an easy-to-read, easy-to-digest form. When you can easily read and visualize your company’s trends, it becomes much easier to plan ahead and make strategic decisions. Once you’ve mastered the art of creating performance metrics, give your employees access to this information so they can see where they stand, and then encourage them to improve their results. Seeing all the data can make all the difference.

Making More Time for the Human Element: Process Automation

In many workplaces, there are jobs that are just repetitive and tedious. As a result, workers suffer loss of motivation and fatigue. With advances in machine learning and artificial intelligence, however, these tedious tasks can become a relic of the past. While many are afraid that machines will take over many jobs, the more accurate scenario is one in which machines do the jobs that are tedious and strenuous for people, while people are freed up to perform more engaging and enriching jobs. Your company can use data to take the boring parts of work away while opening up time for your employees to do more important work. This is what process automation is all about.

Learning What Your Customers Like the Most: Market Research

The ways we collect, and process data are also becoming more sophisticated, and as a result, it becomes possible to pay closer attention to what consumers spend their time and money on. This creates a distinct field of study as mass markets slowly dry up and personalized purchases become the new norm. With data analytics, your company may see how customers prefer to shop, what they enjoy more often than not, and other important factors that will help you market to them in a personal and effective manner. The data is there – all your company needs to do is study it.

Finding Workers Who Fit Perfectly in Your Company: Talent Scouting

Just as it is possible to analyze customer data to tailor a personal shopping experience, it is also possible to analyze applicant data to figure out whether or not a prospective hire will work well in your company’s culture. The process of reviewing applications will speed up through automation, and your company will have more time to interview candidates and get to know them even better. This will help you find the best possible workers for your unique culture.

Data may be used in many ways, and these options will help you improve your business. Embrace data analysis and watch your company better itself.

Visit www.PROPRIUS.com for more information on how to improve your team and career. PROPRIUS is an Artificial Intelligence Industry recruiting firm dedicated to projecting organizations to the next level.

If you are ready to accelerate your team, then schedule a 10-minute discovery call at https://PROPRIUS.as.me/Discovery. We have a dedicated search process designed to locate, connect with, and deliver the most talented candidates.

If you are looking to propel your career, then schedule a 30-minute intake call at https://PROPRIUS.as.me/Intake. We identify the top Engineers in the Artificial Intelligence Industry that generate results, create opportunity and inspire others to perform their best work.

Joshua Crawford | Managing Director | PROPRIUS

From Concept to Reality: Utilizing Machine Learning for Real-World Results

From Concept to Reality: Utilizing Machine Learning for Real-World Results

Machine learning almost sounds too good to be true, and this is because the science is deceptively complex. You would think that once a machine takes in enough information and enough variables, it will be able to implement your model flawlessly. However, this is not always the case. To facilitate practical and practicable machine learning models, you must learn right alongside your computer and fine-tune your datasets to best reflect the reality you wish to achieve. Here are a handful of tips to help your engineers and researchers go from a conceptual model to the applicable real-world results.

Set Metrics and Stick to Them

Every experiment has some sort of metric for success or failure, or to put it in a nicer way, for measuring the variables. The same can be said of machine learning models. As the computer runs your data and information through its systems, more information and results will be generated; it is up to your engineers to determine the parameters for measuring that information and which information to look for in the first place. Once they know which factors –such as accuracy or log loss – they are looking for, setting metrics to gauge the computer’s performance becomes much easier. This is crucial as it will allow your engineers to measure the efficacy of their current model and tweak processes from there.

Simplicity is Strong, So Keep the Model Simple

While it may be impressive to generate a highly complex model, it is easier to measure the metrics of a simple model that eases the process of interpretation. It is also easier to set up a solid infrastructure in the beginning and evolve that infrastructure later, so for the best results, your engineers should create a simple model with a solid infrastructure to build upon. Also, a good infrastructure can be tested independently of the machine learning, so remember this as you move forward.

Find Problems Before You Finalize Your Model

To create the best model you can, your engineers should solve any problems with the model before they export it. As long as the model is simple to interpret, debugging it and solving problems will go smoothly.

New Features Should be Easy to Understand

When upgrading and combining existing features to make new ones, remember to combine these features in ways that are understandable to the people who will be using the program – people who do not necessarily understand machine learning as well as your engineers do.

Learning is Exciting, New Information is Helpful

Once your model ends up slowing down, it is time to feed it new information. The newer the information, the more likely the computer is to learn something new and grow from there. The point of machine learning projects is to get machines learning, after all, so facilitate that learning with as much relevant new data as you can get into your model. This will keep things fresh for the computer, and growth will ideally stem from these new datasets.

Visit www.PROPRIUS.com for more information on how to improve your team and career. PROPRIUS is an Artificial Intelligence Industry recruiting firm dedicated to projecting organizations to the next level.

If you are ready to accelerate your team, then schedule a 10-minute discovery call at https://PROPRIUS.as.me/Discovery. We have a dedicated search process designed to locate, connect with, and deliver the most talented candidates.

If you are looking to propel your career, then schedule a 30-minute intake call at https://PROPRIUS.as.me/Intake. We identify the top Engineers in the Artificial Intelligence Industry that generate results, create opportunity and inspire others to perform their best work.

Joshua Crawford | Managing Director | PROPRIUS

Raise the Bar: How to Become a Better CEO

Raise the Bar: How to Become a Better CEO

Even at the top, there’s room for improvement. Some would argue that life is all about self-improvement, and this purpose should apply to work as well. Even as the CEO of a company, you can get better every day. Here’s some advice to help you do just that.

Figure Out What is Most Important Every Day

Everyone needs goals, and as a CEO, you’ll have dozens and even hundreds of little things on your mind all day. The trick to staying productive is to pick at least three priorities every day and devote time to meeting them. If you don’t get to the small stuff but you still manage to handle your priorities, you’re doing well.

Find Your Deeper Purpose

You run a business – isn’t that purpose enough? That’s what you must ask yourself. There should be a purpose beyond the business; you want your business to improve the world and make a difference, so find your purpose and make the business achieve it.

Be Helpful to Others

Many of your employees will ask themselves how they can be helpful to you, and that’s a nice thought, but it’s more important for you to figure out what you can do for your employees. You can’t be everyone’s rock, but you can serve others in as many ways as possible.

Remember the Human Element

Many company leaders get stuck in corporate jargon or false buzzwords, and that’s a quick way to alienate yourself. Be warm, be funny, and be yourself. A charming storyteller with flaws is much easier to relate to than a company robot; be the leader who workers can laugh with every now and then.

Work on Yourself and Lead by Example

You know yourself best, and you must hold yourself accountable for your performance. Reflect on your choices and actions and think of what you did well, but also look at what you can do better. When you improve and perform well, others notice, and they will follow you.

Always Aim High

It may be easy to aim low and have low standards, but that’s not how great companies are formed. Aim high from the start and always try to exceed expectations. It will be a hard job, but the payoff will be great. The constant push for big goals will keep you and your company at peak performance.

Don’t Settle for Less

Along the way, people may try to tell you to lower your standards or let things slide. You know your gold standard, and you must stick to it. Constant betterment is your philosophy, so believe it and stay true to it.

Put on Tough Armor

It is tough to be the CEO, and you’ve got to resist the pressure that tries to bend and break you. Criticism will come from all sides, even from within yourself, and you’ll have to stand strong in the storm as you learn from critiques. Stand tall and keep learning.

The road of a great CEO is hard, but it pays off – not just in terms of profit but also in terms of self-improvement. Always try to perform at your best and get better from there. Raise the highest bar you can, and you’ll be a great CEO.

Visit www.PROPRIUS.com for more information on how to improve your team and career. PROPRIUS is an Artificial Intelligence Industry recruiting firm dedicated to projecting organizations to the next level.

If you are ready to accelerate your team, then schedule a 10-minute discovery call at https://PROPRIUS.as.me/Discovery. We have a dedicated search process designed to locate, connect with, and deliver the most talented candidates.

If you are looking to propel your career, then schedule a 30-minute intake call at https://PROPRIUS.as.me/Intake. We identify the top Engineers in the Artificial Intelligence Industry that generate results, create opportunity and inspire others to perform their best work.

Joshua Crawford | Managing Director | PROPRIUS

Stand Out from the Crowd: Doing Meaningful Work as a Machine Learning Engineer

Stand Out from the Crowd: Doing Meaningful Work as a Machine Learning Engineer

In the mad rush to master technology and push their products forward, huge tech companies have been hiring many of the most qualified engineers to work in the cutting-edge field of machine learning. This may sound discouraging to aspiring machine learning engineers, but hope is not lost; it is still possible to do great work as a machine learning engineer and avoiding the tech giants grants you a little more freedom than you might think. Here are tips for doing great work and finding purpose as a machine learning engineer.

Knowledge Isn’t Always Happiness: A Doctorate is Not Necessary

While achieving a PhD is a fantastic feat of willpower and knowledge, getting one is not necessary for becoming a great machine learning engineer. The truth is that many doctoral research projects in machine learning focus on improving algorithms, which is great in the long run but not always practical in a business setting. Top researchers and academics are not always the optimal people for business, so don’t fret if you are staring down the road of academia and finding it wanting – or daunting.

Real Results: Focus on a Real Problem and Engineer It

Good machine learning engineers know that the best work comes from a well-defined framework that allows them to gauge their processes and correct them if necessary. This means, ultimately, that solving a real problem is the best way to improve your workflow as a machine learning engineer. Having a defined end-goal helps you set your framework, and from there, you can program a model and watch it respond to data. Tinker and improve it from there, and you’ll be engineering your way toward a real solution to a real-world problem. That’s meaningful.

Do Good Work: Use the Best Data You Can Find

While you work to improve your models and training a machine to perform a specific task, you’ll be inputting all kinds of data. To achieve the best, most accurate, and most workable results, you’ll want to input the best data you can. This means finding accurate pictures or videos if you need them, preferably ones from real life; it means you’ve got to balance out your classes if you’re classifying things. A fair and accurate spread of data improves the accuracy of your program, so feed it the best and most equal portions you can.

Training is Work: Don’t Push for Perfection

Machine learning models are made to respond to data and inputs, and the core of development involves watching how your model responds to new data. Instead of pushing hard for the same, “perfect” results every time, watch for exceptions and study them. Good machine learning engineers find the faults in their programs and figure out how they happened; it is up to you to find them and improve your models.

Work Integrity: Use Good Tools and Good Data

While you work to become the best machine learning engineer you can be, find the most effective tools that work best for you. By combining your knowledge of your tools with the cleanest data you can find, you will practice and continually improve your skills as a machine learning engineer. That’s what meaningful work is all about: learning and improving.

Visit www.PROPRIUS.com for more information on how to improve your team and career. PROPRIUS is an Artificial Intelligence Industry recruiting firm dedicated to projecting organizations to the next level.

If you are ready to accelerate your team, then schedule a 10-minute discovery call at https://PROPRIUS.as.me/Discovery. We have a dedicated search process designed to locate, connect with, and deliver the most talented candidates.

If you are looking to propel your career, then schedule a 30-minute intake call at https://PROPRIUS.as.me/Intake. We identify the top Engineers in the Artificial Intelligence Industry that generate results, create opportunity and inspire others to perform their best work.

Joshua Crawford | Managing Director | PROPRIUS

PROPRIUS Focusing on all things Engineering in the Artificial Intelligence Industry. We deliver performance.


Ready to accelerate your team? There are no short cuts. We have a dedicated search process designed to locate, connect with, and deliver the most talented candidates.